I’m quite new to mushrooming and finding my way with new species and was hoping that someone might be able to help confirm (or not) the 2 species I picked today.
I think the first is Citronlemskivling and the second I think either Fjällig taggsvamp or Motaggsvamp. Both found in mixed but predominantly spruce forest.
It would be great to get some opinions on them and also if anyone has thoughts on whether they are good to eat or not, if they are what I think they are then I know they are edible but are the good!
Tack så mycket
Its hard to see at those pictures but i think you are right. the taste is very personal. My self only like citronslemskivling. Fällig/motaggsvamp has a very special taste some like it some dont. However id say you wait for a member with a star attached to their name for confirmation.
Yes, your guesses are confirmed. It is citronslemskivling and fjällig taggsvamp. The former is more tasty and fits well in a mixture with other tasty mushrooms or together with fish or in vegetarian dishes.
The other, fjällig taggsvamp, have a special taste, and is appreciated only by a few people (I’m not one of them).
Tack, Michael and Daniel!
I hadn’t planned to eat these specimens but it’s good to know I can add some more species to my lists. I like other kinds of Taggsvamp so perhaps I’ll give it a try if I find some more.
Tack så mycket!
Its the worst mushroom year in a long time. Depending on what you want when you are out looking. Myself just love to pick mushrooms and taste atleast one new/ season but this season i havent had much luck exep rödgul trumpet and a few trattkantreller. A tip on citongul slemskivling is to take of the slimy stuff om the head of the mushroom allrdy in the forest.
Hi Daniel,
Yes I haven’t found much yet, pretty much the same as you and not even many of those! This year I am just keen to try some new species, I found a good specimen of the fjällig taggsvamp today soI will give that a try.
Thanks for that tip, I had read it somewhere else I think and the ones I picked yesterday certainly would have benefited from that!
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