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Is this mushroom edible?


29 sep 2018 kl. 21:17

Today I found this mushroom in a big forest in Blekinge. Do you know what it is and can it be eaten? The bottom side of the umbrella shape is reddish colored, and when my hand touches on the reddish body, it turns blue, which looks quite special.



29 sep 2018 kl. 21:29

I think it is Lactarius quieticolor. Very edible. Read about it!



29 sep 2018 kl. 22:33

Great to hear that, so I can eat it then?? It always charge color from red to blue when I touch it. I heard there is a similar mushroom that is with reddish bottom, but it tastes very bitter, this is not that?


Joachim Krumlinde

29 sep 2018 kl. 22:47

This is no Lactarius but a Boletus. Maybe Neoboletus luridiformis but you have to take a better picture of the stem so its structure can be seen more in detail. Yes, it is still edible.



30 sep 2018 kl. 16:03

Hello, here I attached more pictures. What do you think? Are they eatable? When I cut the stem with a knife, the cut surface on the stem is yellow colored, and then quickly changes to blue color.


Joachim Krumlinde

30 sep 2018 kl. 21:44

In the two upper pictures, did you peel off the pipes?
It has become more difficult now but I still say Neoboletus luridiformis.



1 okt 2018 kl. 10:00

I think for the two pictures taken in the sink, I peeled off the part which looks like foam. In total there are 5 pictures, the no.1, no.2 and no.5 pictures show the original mushroom. When you cut the stem it is yellow or orange color and then quickly changes to blue and even darker. Is it still edible?


Joachim Krumlinde

1 okt 2018 kl. 12:23

Yes - the problem is that I still cannot clearly see the structure of the stem. Another problem is that it rapidly gets too old. If you want to eat it, do it now!

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